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She Means Business: Success Stories of Women Entrepreneurs Dominating India’s Business Landscape



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In the dynamic landscape of India’s business sphere, a wave of inspirational Women Entrepreneurs is shaping the narrative of success. This special edition delves into the empowering journeys of visionary women who have smashed stereotypes, defied conventions, shattered glass ceilings, and left an indelible mark on the business world. These stories stand as testaments to resilience, innovation, and the unwavering spirit of female entrepreneurs who are not just making strides but reshaping the very fabric of India’s entrepreneurial landscape.

Rajoshi Ghosh, COO and co-founder of Hasura

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Rajoshi Ghosh, COO and co-founder of Hasura, is a distinguished figure in the world of technology entrepreneurship. Leading a San Francisco-based software technology company, she is also a serial entrepreneur with a track record of initiating five successful startups. Rajoshi’s professional journey commenced as a published bioinformatics researcher specializing in genomics at the Genome Institute of Singapore. Beyond her entrepreneurial endeavors, she holds the prestigious title of a World Economic Forum Global Shaper, showcasing her influence on both the global stage and the tech community.

Saumya Singh Rathore, co-founder of WinZO

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Saumya Singh Rathore, co-founder of WinZO, has played a pivotal role in shaping India’s gaming landscape. Under her leadership, WinZO, a social gaming platform in local languages, has amassed a user base exceeding 100 million. Since its establishment in 2018, WinZO has secured over $100 million in funding from prominent investors such as Griffin Gaming Partners and Makers Fund, solidifying its position as a key player in the vibrant gaming ecosystem of India. Saumya’s vision and strategic acumen have been instrumental in steering WinZO’s remarkable growth trajectory.

Kanika Gupta, COO at Square Yards

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Kanika Gupta Shori, co-founder and COO at Square Yards, brings over 11 years of experience from Wharton Business School, encompassing roles in banking and entrepreneurial pursuits. Beyond her professional roles, she actively contributes to initiatives empowering women and supporting children’s welfare. Kanika’s leadership at Square Yards has been instrumental in its growth as an integrated real estate marketplace. Her commitment to social causes alongside her entrepreneurial endeavors showcases a holistic approach to business, reflecting a dedication to making a positive impact beyond the bottom line.

Dr. Garima Sawhney, co-founder of Pristyn Care

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Dr. Garima Sawhney, co-founder of Pristyn Care, stands as a luminary in India’s healthcare sector. With a background in gynaecology, her journey began in the trenches of a government hospital, honing crucial life skills. Dr. Sawhney’s compassionate patient care has propelled Pristyn Care to a remarkable valuation of $1.4 billion, emphasizing the impact of combining medical expertise with entrepreneurial vision. Her commitment to providing accessible and high-quality healthcare has not only transformed Pristyn Care but has also set new standards for healthcare startups in India.

Aadore Mukherjee, Casting Director

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Aadore Mukherjee, a renowned Casting Director and Producer, boasts an impressive portfolio, having cast for blockbuster movies like “Delhi Belly,” “Bhaag Milkha Bhaag,” and “Happy New Year.” Additionally, as a Partner at Mindshift Studios, a leading Creative Production House, Aadore collaborates with top hospitality brands such as Taj, Marriott, and St Regis, bringing their video and photo campaigns to life.

Her journey into the industry began under the mentorship of advertising guru Prahlad Kakar, where she started as an Assistant Director. Aadore’s transition to Casting Director was seamless, marked by iconic ads for brands like Times of India and Nike. Despite facing challenges as a woman in a male-dominated industry, she draws inspiration from the strong, talented women she’s had the privilege to work with. Her recent movie, ‘Rocketry’ directed and acted by R Madhavan, won the National award.

Beyond her thriving career, Aadore finds solace in her dual residences in Mumbai and Goa, indulging in frequent travel between the two. Her message to aspiring women entrepreneurs is one of perseverance and embracing opportunities, echoing her own journey of determination and success in the competitive world of film and advertising.

Dhara Nitish Bansal, Founder – Ishhaara

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Dhara Nitish Bansal is the founder and creator of Ishhaara, a brand that has made significant strides in the world of fashion and lifestyle. Dhara’s journey with Ishhaara began with a passion for design and a vision to create something unique and beautiful. She combined her creativity with entrepreneurial spirit to launch Ishhaara, which quickly gained recognition for its exquisite designs and quality craftsmanship.

Dhara’s story is one of perseverance and dedication. She faced numerous challenges in the competitive fashion industry but remained steadfast in her commitment to her brand. Her ability to blend traditional elements with modern aesthetics has set Ishhaara apart, making it a favorite among fashion enthusiasts.

Beyond her professional achievements, Dhara is known for her down-to-earth personality and her willingness to support and mentor others in the industry. She believes in the power of hard work and staying true to one’s vision. Her journey with Ishhaara is a testament to her creativity, resilience, and unwavering determination to make her dreams a reality.

Amisha Sharma, Founder – Pocket Diets

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Amisha Sharma is someone who believes in setting her future self as her inspiration, aiming to make a positive impact on millions of lives globally. As she navigates her journey, she hasn’t encountered significant difficulties as a woman entrepreneur. Fortunately, she perceives the world as offering equal opportunities and support to women, enabling her to focus on her professional endeavors without unnecessary barriers.

Outside her business endeavors, Amisha actively invests in her personal growth and well-being. Currently, she’s engaged in a digital marketing course, striving to enhance her skill set and expand her knowledge base. Moreover, maintaining a healthy lifestyle is paramount for her, with a strong emphasis on nutritious eating habits and regular exercise routines.

For aspiring entrepreneurs and professionals, Amisha advocates for taking action and pursuing one’s passions without delay. She encourages others not to wait for the perfect moment to embark on their entrepreneurial journey but to seize opportunities and trust that everything will fall into place with dedication and perseverance.

Reflecting on her success story, Amisha traces her roots back to Jammu, where her engineering background initially guided her career path. However, her true passion for entrepreneurship blossomed during her college years, fueled by her growing interest in nutrition and health. Recognizing the gap in nutritional knowledge, she embarked on a journey to establish “Pocketdiets.” The early stages were undoubtedly challenging, as she navigated the entrepreneurial landscape solo, often sacrificing sleep and personal time to pursue her goals. Yet, with a clear vision and unwavering determination, she overcame obstacles, turning her sacrifices into stepping stones toward success.

Paranosh Irani, Digital Content Creator and Entrepreneur

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Meet Paranosh Irani, a dynamic Digital Content Creator and Entrepreneur whose journey embodies perseverance, creativity, and a passion for fashion.

Paranosh’s venture into the digital content creation sphere began on Instagram, where she carved out her niche as a social media influencer. With a distinctive style and a penchant for quirky yet edgy fashion, she captivated her audience with honest reviews and insightful tips on skincare and makeup. Embracing her belief in unicorns and the whimsical, Paranosh’s content exudes authenticity and originality.

For Paranosh, fashion is more than just clothing; it’s a form of self-expression and empowerment. She views style as a constant that reflects her individuality and personality, allowing her to stand out in her own unique way.

Paranosh’s journey hasn’t been without its challenges. Despite facing self-esteem issues in her earlier years, she embarked on a journey of self-discovery, enrolling in an image consulting course that reignited her passion for fashion. While her initial attempt at setting up an online boutique didn’t materialize, Paranosh persisted, transitioning into fashion blogging and eventually establishing herself as a full-time content creator.

Today, Paranosh creates a diverse range of content encompassing fashion, skincare, makeup, and lifestyle topics. Her boundless creativity and willingness to push boundaries have enabled her to turn her passions into a thriving profession. Notably, she was crowned the winner of the Femina Mrs. Stylista Pageant 2018, a testament to her unique sense of style and flair.

Paranosh draws inspiration from iconic figures like Iris Apfel, celebrating individuality and embracing boldness in fashion. As a woman navigating the competitive industry, she acknowledges the need to continuously prove her worth and overcome preconceived notions about her background.

Through her platform and achievements, Paranosh Irani inspires others to embrace their uniqueness, pursue their passions relentlessly, and defy conventional norms in the world of fashion and entrepreneurship.

Dr. Rakhee Sharma, Cosmetologist, Trichologist, Laser Specialist, Injector & PMU Artist.

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Redefining Beauty with Grit and Grace In the ever-evolving world of aesthetic medicine, Dr. Rakhee Sharma stands out as a pioneer – not just for her expertise, but for her resilience and dedication to empowering individuals through a personalized, ethical approach.

Her journey began after overcoming personal challenges, shaping her into a pillar of strength for her family and a determined professional. Drawn to the emerging field of aesthetic medicine in the early 2000s, she tirelessly pursued specialized training, both in India and Australia, defying societal expectations and navigating initial skepticism.

Over the past 15 years, Dr. Sharma has built a thriving practice, “Redefine Solutions,” fueled by her passion for helping individuals achieve their aesthetic goals while prioritizing natural-looking results and holistic well-being. Her commitment goes beyond clinical proficiency – she actively shapes the future of the field through teaching and running an accredited institute training doctors in aesthetic medicine.

But Dr. Sharma’s impact extends far beyond the confines of her practice. She champions ethical practices, advocating for informed consent and responsible advertising. Her entrepreneurial spirit shines through her venture “Redefine Solutions,” offering a range of face and hair care products, empowering individuals to take charge of their own beauty journey.

Dr. Rakhee Sharma is not just an aesthetic medicine maven; she is an inspiration. Her story embodies resilience, passion, and a commitment to ethical transformation. As Mumbai Uncensored recognizes her as a “Pioneering Excellence” in 2024, we celebrate not just her achievements, but the positive impact she continues to make on countless lives.

Dr. Hitasha Patil, Director & Chief Dermatologist at Dr. Hitasha’s skin | hair | laser | aesthetics, Nagpur

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Dr. Hitasha Patil, Director and Chief Dermatologist at Dr. Hitasha’s skin | hair | laser | aesthetics in Nagpur, embarked on her medical journey after a childhood accident redirected her path. Inspired by her mother’s unwavering support and feminist spirit, Hitasha found her calling in medicine despite lacking familial precedent.

As the first doctor in her family, Hitasha faced unique challenges, navigating her path without established connections or mentors. The absence of a medical lineage led to moments of self-doubt and the need for external validation.

Beyond her clinic, Hitasha’s social media presence on Instagram as @drhitasha_patil showcases her passion for positivity and influencing. Her message to aspiring women entrepreneurs resonates with her own journey: embrace being the trailblazer, start imperfectly, and pave the way for future generations.

Sneha Chandan, Founder – Kraftytales

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Sneha Chandan, the visionary behind Kraftytales, is dedicated to curating unforgettable gifting experiences that evoke joy and appreciation. Specializing in bespoke hampers tailored to diverse occasions, from corporate events to personalized celebrations and weddings, Kraftytales sets the standard for premier gifting solutions.

Inspired by her passion for crafting heartfelt gifts, Sneha embarked on her entrepreneurial journey, initially creating scrapbooks and handmade frames for friends and relatives. With overwhelming encouragement and support, she transformed her hobby into a thriving business venture. Since founding Kraftytales in 2016, Sneha has been committed to infusing creativity and thoughtfulness into every gift.

Sneha draws inspiration from her mother, whose creative guidance fueled her passion and ambition. Despite facing initial skepticism and societal expectations, Sneha remained steadfast in her pursuit of transforming Kraftytales into a reputable gifting enterprise. Overcoming obstacles through resilience and determination, Kraftytales gained momentum, with social media platforms like Instagram and Facebook amplifying its reach. Today, with around 75 percent repeat clientele, Kraftytales stands as a testament to Sneha’s unwavering dedication and the transformative power of pursuing one’s dreams.

Beyond entrepreneurship, Sneha finds solace in healing, meditation, and music, which inspire her both personally and professionally. Her message to aspiring women entrepreneurs is one of resilience, urging them to believe in their dreams, embrace challenges, and let passion be their guiding force on the journey to success.

Millin Sangha Gujral, Founder – Happy Strokes

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Millin Sangha Gujral, the founder of Happy Strokes, is a beacon of compassion in the realm of mental well-being. Happy Strokes provides personalized counseling, nurturing emotional resilience and enriching lives through empathetic guidance and evidence-based practices.

In response to the heightened mental health challenges of the COVID-19 era, Happy Strokes emerged as a vital support system. Recognizing the toll of isolation and uncertainty, Millin’s counseling services offer hope, fostering resilience amidst escalating mental health concerns.

Driven by a societal need for mental health awareness, Millin’s commitment stems from a profound empathy for those grappling with mental health issues. As a woman in the field, she navigates gender biases and societal expectations while managing her business.

Beyond entrepreneurship, Millin advocates for mental health on Instagram, sharing knowledge and understanding. Painting serves as her recharge, and weekly reading over coffee is a cherished ritual.

To fellow women entrepreneurs, Millin champions resilience, self-belief, and barrier-breaking. Embrace uniqueness, seek support, and be confidently unapologetic. Your journey inspires and contributes to positive industry transformation. Stay true to your vision, letting passion drive your success.

Sanchita, Founder – Saanchi By Sanchita

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Saanchi by Sanchita, founded in March 2015, epitomizes a harmonious blend of contemporary fashion and traditional craftsmanship, underscored by a profound commitment to empowering rural women. Seamlessly merging modern styles with age-old techniques, the brand presents a distinctive fusion that caters to the dynamic dressing style of today’s woman, while simultaneously uplifting the lives of women in rural communities.

For Sanchita, the journey into entrepreneurship began amidst life’s unexpected challenges, where adversity became a catalyst for personal and professional evolution. Guided by the wisdom instilled by her mother and fueled by an indomitable spirit, Sanchita embarked on her entrepreneurial odyssey, leveraging her expertise to carve a distinctive niche within the fashion landscape.

Beyond its commercial endeavors, Saanchi by Sanchita symbolizes the realization of a cherished dream—a platform for collaboration, education, and empowerment. Through the dissemination of skills and knowledge, the brand endeavors to inspire individuals and communities alike, nurturing resilience and fostering creativity.

To aspiring women entrepreneurs, Sanchita advocates for embracing mistakes as invaluable learning opportunities, maintaining unwavering consistency in the pursuit of objectives, and allowing determination to chart the course towards success. With resilience as their cornerstone and a steadfast commitment to growth, every setback becomes a pivotal stepping stone on the journey towards fulfilling one’s aspirations.

Dr. Tejashri Patil

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Dr. Tejashri Patil is a dedicated professional who resides in Orlando, Florida. As a dentist and an epidemiologist, she brings a unique blend of expertise to her field. In addition to her professional roles, she is a Management Committee member and research team leader at a USA-based nonprofit organization, where she contributes her knowledge and passion for public health.

Her journey into dentistry was driven by a love for science and a desire to help others. Dr. Patil is fascinated by the complexities of oral health and the significant impact that a healthy smile can have on a person’s life. The field of dentistry allows her to combine technical skill with interpersonal interaction, creating meaningful relationships with her patients while delivering top-notch care.

However, her curiosity about the broader patterns of disease transmission and prevention led her to epidemiology. This transition enabled her to apply her healthcare background on a larger scale, addressing public health challenges that affect entire communities. By understanding and mitigating these issues, Dr. Patil continues to make a difference beyond the individual level.

Inspiration plays a vital role in Dr. Patil’s life. Her grandmother, a symbol of resilience, compassion, and wisdom, has been a guiding force. With her grandmother’s unwavering support, Dr. Patil has felt empowered to pursue her dreams and overcome life’s challenges with grace and determination. Additionally, her supportive upbringing, where gender equality was a given, has instilled in her a strong sense of confidence and resilience.

Outside of her professional life, Dr. Patil has a deep passion for dance and the arts. Trained in various Indian classical dance forms, she finds joy and expression through movement. Dance is not just a hobby for her but a source of connection and fulfillment. Her creative pursuits also extend to crafts, where she enjoys painting, pottery, and DIY projects, constantly exploring new artistic mediums and techniques.

To aspiring entrepreneurs and professionals, Dr. Patil emphasizes the importance of perseverance, adaptability, and continuous learning. She encourages others to embrace challenges as growth opportunities, stay resilient in the face of setbacks, and remain open to pivoting strategies when necessary. Cultivating a mindset of curiosity and innovation is crucial, as is building a supportive network of mentors and peers. Success, she believes, is a journey rather than a destination, and it is essential to enjoy the process while staying focused on your goals.

Dr. Patil credits much of her success to the unwavering support of her husband, who shares family responsibilities and encourages her to pursue her dreams. This partnership has been instrumental in her ability to balance her professional and personal life, allowing her to achieve her aspirations and make a meaningful impact in her fields.

Subah Dewan, ICF certified Life Coach, Founder & CEO of ‘Life Works’

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Subah Dewan, an ICF certified Life Coach, founder & CEO of “Life Works,” embodies positivity and empowers others to reach their full potential. Her diverse background in global hospitality and corporate leadership, spanning Dubai, London, and India, combined with her infectious energy, leaves a lasting impact on everyone she meets.

Her journey from working with renowned hospitality brands like Jumeirah Hotels & Resorts, Hyatt Hotels, and Accor Group to becoming a life coach showcases her commitment to personal and professional growth. As a former model and fitness enthusiast, Subah integrates fashion, fitness, fun, and adventure into her unique coaching philosophy, emphasizing mental well-being as a cornerstone of overall health.

Her global perspective and dedication to leading by example set her apart in the life coaching field, inspiring others to embrace love, gratitude, and joy in their lives. Through workshops and motivational talks, Subah advocates for mental health awareness and women’s empowerment, leveraging her platform to make a positive impact on society.

With boundless enthusiasm and a deep sense of gratitude, she continues to inspire and uplift those around her, living her dream as a passionate advocate for mental wellness.

Ayesha Haneef, Business head – Shikha Aggarwal Sharma, Fat to Slim Bangalore

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Ayesha Haneef, the business head of ‘Shikha Aggarwal Sharma – Fat to Slim Bangalore’ a renowned brand in diet and nutrition, pioneering the innovative concept of “eat sleep lose without exercise.”

Amidst the challenges of COVID, she ventured into this domain in February 2021 by acquiring the franchise in Bangalore, propelling her into a journey of unparalleled success. With over fifteen franchises worldwide, Ayesha’s dedication knows no bounds.

Inspired by Shikha Agarwal Sharma, the brand’s founder, Ayesha admires her as a successful businesswoman and mentor. Shikha’s emphasis on the use of Indian herbs and spices, particularly during the pandemic, resonated deeply with Ayesha and her clientele.

A firm believer in the power of women’s empowerment, Ayesha navigates her entrepreneurial path with grace and determination. Despite the myriad challenges of business ownership, she remains undeterred, fueled by her passion for her work.

Beyond her professional endeavors, Ayesha’s roles as a wife, mother, daughter-in-law, and daughter fulfill her life with purpose and joy. Her commitment to her family and her career sets an inspiring example for future generations, underscoring the importance of women’s participation in all spheres of life.

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Special Editions

The Power List: Top 24 Indian Entrepreneurs Defining the Future




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In a dynamic era of entrepreneurial innovation, Mumbai Uncensored proudly unveils ‘The Power List: Top 24 Indian Entrepreneurs Defining the Future!‘ This exclusive feature shines a spotlight on visionary minds reshaping India’s business landscape and setting new standards of success.

From disruptive startups to established enterprises, these 24 entrepreneurs exemplify the spirit of innovation, resilience, and forward-thinking leadership. Join us as we delve into the journeys of these trailblazers who are not just shaping industries but also shaping the future of entrepreneurship in India.

Adwaita Nayar, Co-founder of Nykaa and CEO of Nykaa Fashion

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Falguni Nayar, the founder of Nykaa, started her beauty retail start-up in 2013, with her daughter Adwaita by her side. Adwaita’s millennial consumer understanding and digital marketing skills proved to be a valuable asset for the company, as Nykaa grew to become a trendy, young, and millennial brand. The company’s revenue for FY21 was an impressive Rs.2,453 crore. The company has also successfully launched 10 private brands in fashion and beauty, which generate more than 30% margins. The company currently has 96 Nykaa beauty stores, with a pure ecommerce marketplace strategy for its fashion business.

Nykaa had a successful IPO debut, with its stock subscribed by 80 times. However, Nykaa’s profits fell 59% to Rs.28 crore in Q3 of FY22 due to disruptions caused by the third wave of Covid-19. Adwaita’s brother, Anchit Nayar, took over the brick-and-mortar stores part of the business in 2017 after quitting his job as an investment banker at Morgan Stanley in the U.S. Anchit’s experience helped him build a first-class business, which contributed to Nykaa’s overall success.

Abhiraj Bhal Co-founder of Urban Company


Abhiraj Bhal is a young entrepreneur and co-founder of Urban Company, a leading platform for home services in India. Bhal’s vision and leadership have been instrumental in shaping the company’s growth and success over the years.

In 2014, Bhal, along with his two friends, Varun Khaitan and Raghav Chandra, founded Urban Company (formerly known as UrbanClap) to provide a reliable and convenient platform for home services. The company started with just a handful of services, including cleaning, pest control, and beauty services, but quickly expanded to include a wide range of services such as plumbing, carpentry, and appliance repair.

Today, Urban Company is more than just a platform, it’s a community of skilled professionals who are passionate about providing top-notch services to users. Each service provider undergoes rigorous training before joining the platform, ensuring that they have the skills and expertise needed to deliver exceptional service. The platform’s advanced algorithm matches service providers and customers based on a range of factors, including proximity, availability, and service requirements.

Geetika Batra, Founder – Gold Fish PR and Communications LLP

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Meet Geetika Batra, the visionary founder behind Gold Fish PR and Communications LLP in India, and Raga Events Management LLC in Dubai. With over 15 years of experience in the PR and events management industry, Geetika has earned a reputation as a trailblazer, leading with strategic insight and impeccable service delivery.

Her approach is marked by a deep understanding of branding and a commitment to excellence. Known for her analytical skills and problem-solving abilities, Geetika crafts tailored solutions that align with her clients’ objectives, ensuring optimal results.

Geetika is passionate about brand building and strives for nothing less than excellence in every endeavor. She believes in achieving short-term goals while staying true to her clients’ long-term vision, paving the way for lasting success.

Despite the challenges posed by shrinking attention spans and the evolving marketing landscape, Geetika sees opportunities for redefining PR and marketing. She advocates for meaningful engagement and authentic storytelling, emphasizing the importance of building genuine connections with audiences.

At Gold Fish PR, Geetika’s vision is to transform businesses into brands, empowering minds and communities along the way. The agency offers a range of services tailored to meet the unique needs of its clients, from brand enhancement to corporate events and community engagement initiatives.

Through sustainable PR solutions and community engagement initiatives, Geetika and her team are committed to making a positive impact on society, empowering startups and businesses while nurturing the holistic growth and well-being of the youth.

Tanisha Rana, Fashion & Lifestyle Blogger

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Tanisha Rana is all about sharing the joy of food and exploration with her followers. Starting out as a way to cope during the pandemic, her food blogging and lifestyle journey quickly turned into something more. Despite her demanding job as a banker at JP Morgan, specializing in asset wealth management and working night shifts, Tanisha finds time to pursue her passion for food and travel.

Driven by her love for trying new things, Tanisha fearlessly dives into every culinary adventure, documenting her experiences through mouthwatering food pictures and captivating videos. Her journey hasn’t been without its challenges, though. Tanisha has faced setbacks and moments of doubt, but she’s never given up. Through her honesty and perseverance, she shows others that success is about staying true to yourself and pushing through the tough times.

Tanisha’s story is a reminder that life’s journey isn’t always easy, but it’s always worth it. She encourages her followers to embrace their own paths, knowing that with determination and faith in themselves, they can achieve anything. So, whether it’s trying a new dish or exploring a new place, Tanisha reminds us all to savor life’s adventures and never stop chasing our dreams.

Mandakini Madan, Director – Fab Paisley India Pvt. Ltd.

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Mandakini Madan, hailing from Gurgaon, is the driving force behind Fab Paisley India Pvt. Ltd., a retail outlet specializing in designer unstitched fabrics. With a background in interior design, Mandakini made the bold decision to leave her profession and join her husband in the family business. Inspired by his passion for work, she saw an opportunity to infuse her own creativity into the world of fabric designing.

Transitioning from her own passion to supporting her husband’s business wasn’t an easy decision, especially with the responsibilities of two young children and an elderly father-in-law. However, with unwavering support from her husband and a shared vision for their future, Mandakini embraced the journey, overcoming challenges through understanding and mutual respect.

Outside of her business endeavors, Mandakini finds joy in various creative pursuits, from designing interiors and clothing for friends and family to honing her culinary skills in the kitchen. With a master’s degree in HR management, she takes pride in training her staff and excels in maintaining a harmonious balance between her professional and personal roles.

Mandakini’s success story is a testament to the power of partnership, both in life and in business. Together with her husband, she embodies the values of trust, dedication, and collaboration, building a thriving enterprise fueled by their shared vision and relentless pursuit of excellence.

For aspiring entrepreneurs, Mandakini’s advice is simple yet profound: let your profession be your passion. To her, work is not just a means to an end; it’s a form of worship, a way to make a meaningful difference in the world. With dedication, passion, and gratitude, she continues to inspire others, leaving behind a legacy of devotion and determination.

Bandana Sondhi, Founder & Designer Supergirlattitude by Bandana, Model & Business Entrepreneur

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Bandana Sondhi epitomizes entrepreneurial versatility, excelling in various domains. With a portfolio spanning over 100 ad films for esteemed brands like BMW, Tata, and Samsung, she has established herself as a prominent model and brand influencer. Bandana curates events for various brands across the fashion and lifestyle spheres, with the most recent being an event for the first flagship store of the renowned Italian brand ‘LUCA PIATTELLI’ in South Delhi. She has been curating her own pop-up shows since 2015 in South Delhi under the name Supergirlchronicles by Bandana, promoting new and upcoming brands in fashion, lifestyle, art, and more.

In addition to her achievements in the fashion and lifestyle industry, Bandana has been associated with the courier trade for the last three years, serving as the head of business development for ‘WLM Courier and Freight.’ Recently, Bandana ventured into the fashion industry with her label, Supergirlattitude by Bandana. This label features very unique t-shirts and t-shirt dresses and has now started making unique tye-dye dresses and skirts, as well as God-inspired jewelry, with their most in-demand piece being the statement Ganesha neckpiece. The brand also offers bags, stoles, and other accessories, celebrating the beauty of Indian craftsmanship merged with Western silhouettes and Indian culture, drawing inspiration from Indian culture and craftsmanship. This showcases her ability to innovate and merge cultural aesthetics.

Despite her success, Bandana’s journey wasn’t premeditated. Transitioning from banking to fashion a decade ago, she embraced opportunities guided by her passion and instincts, showcasing her adaptability and entrepreneurial spirit. Bandana’s story is a beacon of inspiration for aspiring entrepreneurs, especially women. She encourages them to pursue their dreams despite biases and obstacles. Her mantra of self-belief, hard work, and surrendering to destiny resonates deeply.

Beyond her professional endeavors, Bandana finds solace in travel, music, movies, and reading, emphasizing the importance of a well-rounded life. Her message is one of empowerment: never waver in your vision, for every journey is unique, and success awaits those who persevere. As Bandana believes, “Work is Sacred,” urging others to uphold their passion and dedication in every endeavor. Her entrepreneurial journey exemplifies that with determination and an open mind, one can navigate and excel in multiple industries, turning every challenge into an opportunity for growth and innovation. Take a look at this unique brand of Bandana’s at her website

Mussarat Merchant, Founder – Label Frow

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Mussarat Merchant is the visionary behind Label Frow, a Western wear clothing brand that brings international fashion trends to women in India. Specializing in occasion-based clothing and custom-made pieces, Label Frow ensures a perfect fit while promoting sustainability by maintaining low inventory and reducing waste.

Determined to create her own fashion brand, Mussarat pursued a Bachelor’s degree in Fashion Business from the Raffles Institute in Singapore and completed a styling course at Central Saint Martins in London. Her passion for fashion stems from the women in her family, who loved to dress up and were influenced by Western styles, instilling in Mussarat a deep appreciation for the art of fashion.

Mussarat draws inspiration from Victoria Beckham, admiring her brand’s minimal and versatile designs, and aims to elevate Label Frow to a similar level of excellence. Additionally, she looks up to Simon Porte Jacquemus, the founder and creative director of Jacquemus, for his innovative marketing and creative content strategies.

As an entrepreneur, Mussarat has faced several challenges, particularly starting young and without industry connections. She has navigated daily struggles and learning opportunities, and being an introvert has made networking difficult. While she believes that working under an established mentor could have provided valuable experience, learning from her own mistakes has been a significant part of her journey.

Outside of her business, Mussarat enjoys spending time with friends and family, exploring new restaurants and coffee shops, and traveling to experience new cultures. These activities help her relax and stay inspired.

Mussarat’s advice to aspiring entrepreneurs is to focus on building the right connections and networks, as relationships are crucial in the industry. She also encourages embracing mistakes as learning opportunities.

Starting Label Frow during the COVID-19 pandemic was challenging but opportunistic. Mussarat used the downtime to collaborate with influencers, celebrities, and stylists, which helped build brand awareness. Today, Label Frow is recognized for its unique, stylish, occasion-based clothing, showcased by celebrities like Kriti Sanon, Ananya Pandey, Jacqueline Fernandez, Jhanvi Kapoor, and Sonakshi Sinha, as well as fashion influencers like Komal Pandey, Sakshi Sindwani, and Sonam Babani. The brand has also been featured in prestigious magazines such as Cosmopolitan India and Grazia India. Additionally, Label Frow is available on Nykaa Fashion, Myntra Luxe, and Aza, further expanding its reach. Mussarat is proud of how far Label Frow has come and continues to strive for excellence.

Rakshaa Chhabriaa, Bach Flower Therapist

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Meet Rakshaa Chhabriaa, a renowned Bach Flower Therapist certified from the Bach Centre in the UK, an Intuitive Medical Therapist, and a Lupus survivor, among other accolades. Her journey into the world of holistic wellness was deeply personal, rooted in her own health challenges with migraines as a teenager and her battle with Lupus.

Driven by her transformative experience with Bach Remedies, Rakshaa embarked on a mission to create a flower essence library, offering personalized combination remedies tailored to individuals’ unique emotional needs. Over the years, she has made over 25,000 remedies, conducted 5000 plus consultations, and reached individuals globally and helped people with emotional upheavals , grief , trauma anxiety , stress as well as supported people with chronic diseases .

Rakshaa’s commitment to natural awareness and excellence has earned her recognition in reputable publications such as Daily Hunt. Her brand, Rakshaa Chhabriaa – Personalised Remedies, rejects the one-size-fits-all approach to health and wellness. Instead, it embraces the uniqueness of each individual, offering bespoke natural Bach Flower Remedies.

With new commissions pouring in, Rakshaa’s journey as a Bach Therapist continues to flourish. Her message to aspiring entrepreneurs and professionals is profound: “Health is congruence of mind, body, and soul. Heal so you can have perfect health. There’s no better and easier way to heal than with Bach Flower Remedies.”

Rakshaa envisions the Flower Revolution as an energetic upgrade and a catalyst for self-discovery and spiritual growth. It’s about addressing emotional concerns with a personalized touch, offering inner healing without the exhaustive effort. Through her work, Rakshaa invites others to join the journey of holistic wellness, where each individual’s uniqueness is celebrated and embraced.Rakshaa envisions the Flower Revolution as an energetic upgrade and a catalyst for self-discovery and spiritual growth. It’s about addressing emotional concerns with a personalized touch, offering inner healing without the exhaustive effort. Through her work, Rakshaa invites others to join the journey of holistic wellness, where each individual’s uniqueness is celebrated and embraced.

The Flower Revolution can be described as an energetic upgrade before the collective glitch arises, fostering self-discovery beyond the confines of books, seminars, or Google searches. It serves as a spiritual guide encapsulated in a bottle, offering flower catalysts for inner growth without the laborious effort typically associated with self-improvement endeavors.

Nidhi Shah, Founder – Detales – Interior Design Stories

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Nidhi Shah is not just the creative force behind Detales – Interior Design Stories, but she’s also a dynamic leader in her community. Based in Ahmedabad but reaching clients globally, Nidhi’s journey into interior design was an unexpected one. Originally aiming for fashion design, she discovered her true passion while studying architecture. With invaluable experience gained from working with renowned designers like Anisha Modi, Nidhi ventured out on her own, blending bold colors with timeless design principles to create stunning spaces.

As a woman in a male-dominated field, Nidhi faced numerous challenges, from earning the respect of male laborers to convincing clients of her capabilities. However, her determination and unwavering conviction led her to overcome these obstacles, proving that gender is no barrier to success.

Beyond her design studio, Nidhi finds joy in exploring new places, meeting people, and pursuing artistic interests like rifle shooting. Her message to aspiring entrepreneurs is clear: believe in yourself, persevere, and success will follow.

Nidhi’s success story is a testament to her passion, creativity, and resilience. From humble beginnings to earning respect as one of Ahmedabad’s most respected design firms, Detales – Design Stories continues to inspire with its innovative, vibrant, and timeless designs.

In addition to her professional accomplishments, Nidhi is an active member of the Jain Business Network for five years, where she has taken on leadership roles and served as Treasurer for two years, overseeing four different chapters and over 300 business entrepreneurs. She is also a dedicated member of the Rotary Club of Ahmedabad Majesty Stars, contributing to her community and making a positive impact beyond the realm of design.

Dr. Nidhi Agarwal

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Dr. Nidhi Agarwal has been championing a approach to health for the past 17 years. As a homeopathic physician, functional medicine coach, relationship counselor, and holistic healer, she directs the Prakash Holistic Health Care Centre with a mission to create balance and healing from within.

With a decade of experience in homeopathy, Dr. Nidhi has treated over 75,000 patients globally, specializing in pediatrics and advocating for a medicine-free lifestyle. She encourages patients to understand their body’s needs and nourish it accordingly, often recommending home remedies using everyday kitchen ingredients.

Through interactive workshops and counseling sessions, Dr. Nidhi empowers individuals to take charge of their health using simple, effective, and economical remedies. At PHCC, patients receive comprehensive care, including homeopathic treatments, lifestyle guidance, nutritional plans, and stress management counseling.

Outside her clinical practice, Dr. Nidhi is actively involved in various social initiatives, supporting women’s empowerment, environmental sustainability, and healthcare accessibility. Her dedication to promoting a medicine-free lifestyle extends to educational workshops in schools, colleges, and corporate settings.

Dr. Nidhi’s commitment to holistic health has earned her numerous accolades and awards, recognizing her contributions to homeopathy and women’s wellness. She continues to inspire and educate through her writing, workshops, and online coaching programs, guiding individuals on their journey to optimal health and well-being.

Shubham Pille, COO & co-founder of The Language Network

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Shubham Pille’s story isn’t your typical tale of chasing entrepreneurial glory. It’s a journey fueled by passion, purpose, and a burning desire to make a difference. As the COO and co-founder of The Language Network, Shubham wears many hats – operations, finance, HR, and strategy – all guided by a deep commitment to his mission.

His mission? To empower lives through languages. The Language Network isn’t just about teaching French or Spanish; it’s about equipping students with the tools they need to ace international exams and unlock a world of opportunity. This mission struck a chord with Shubham after witnessing his co-founder, Siddhi, face unfair treatment despite her talent and hard work. It was a defining moment, further amplified by the loss of his father to Covid-19.

Shubham isn’t afraid to describe the startup world as it is – a wild ride with its fair share of stormy seas. From managing cash flow to juggling a multitude of roles, the challenges are plentiful. Yet, amidst the chaos, Shubham’s vision remains clear: to empower 10,000 students, build a sustainable revenue stream, and revolutionize language learning through innovative methods like hybrid learning and pre-recorded lectures.

Shubham’s strength comes from his family, who instilled in him the values of resilience and unwavering determination. He hasn’t let initial hurdles – financial constraints, age-related biases – deter him from his goals. Instead, he’s embraced technology to streamline operations and keep his focus laser-sharp.

But Shubham’s life isn’t all spreadsheets and lesson plans. When he’s not building his educational empire, you might find him exploring the world, hitting the gym, or indulging his inner foodie. He’s a passionate gamer and enjoys a good game of football, badminton, or cricket whenever he gets the chance.

Shubham’s message to aspiring entrepreneurs is as clear as his vision: build a strong foundation, seek guidance, and always lead with empathy and ethics. For him, success isn’t just about personal wins; it’s about creating a national impact.

Siddhi Chokhani, Co-founder of The Language Network

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Siddhi, Co-founder of The Language Network, is revolutionizing language education with her online platform that teaches seven languages and prepares students for proficiency exams. Inspired by her childhood struggles with Math and Science and her natural affinity for languages, Siddhi pursued French, achieving a B2 level by high school and continuing her studies with a French-taught bachelor’s program.

Her career began with internships and teaching roles, where she identified significant gaps in language education quality. This inspired her to create The Language Network, offering accessible, affordable, and professional training. Despite challenges like establishing credibility and educating people on the importance of language learning, her venture has thrived, even during the COVID-19 pandemic. Outside of her professional life, Siddhi’s interests are as diverse as her language skills. She has a deep passion for literature, enjoying reading, writing, and visual storytelling. She also engages in part-time content creation, driven by her love for creativity. Her artistic side is evident in her paintings, which adorn her home. Additionally, she enjoys playing badminton and chess, and exploring new places with friends, embodying a spirit of adventure and creativity.

Siddhi’s advice to aspiring entrepreneurs is clear: embrace the journey with patience, perseverance, and courage. She emphasizes that success requires relentless hard work, continuous learning, and a willingness to tackle new challenges every day. Despite the initial struggles, the rewards make the journey worthwhile. Siddhi likens entrepreneurship to a roller coaster ride—thrilling, unpredictable, and ultimately rewarding for those who stay committed.

Megha Bajaj, Founder – Wonders of Words (WoW)

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Megha Bajaj is the founder of Wonders of Words (WoW), an organization with two crucial verticals: WoW Online Writing & Healing Program (Wings on Words) and the WoW 3L’s Program for schools, which has touched over 100,000 students and counting.

Wings on Words is a personalized online writing and healing workshop where Megha personally guides aspiring authors and seekers through transformative journeys. This program has helped participants find peace, purpose, and self-expression, leading many to win writing competitions, secure media jobs, and publish books, some of which have become bestsellers. Megha is continually amazed by the power of an idea fueled by faith and love.

The second vertical, WoW 3L’s, is a Language, Life, and Leadership skills curriculum for schools. Despite studying at one of Mumbai’s finest schools, Megha found herself unprepared for real-life challenges such as self-understanding, emotional management, peer pressure, and communication skills. To bridge this gap, she launched WoW 3L’s at Shri Natesan Vidyasala in Chennai. Today, it reaches thousands of students across various cities, teaching them essential life skills through the power of words.

From a young age, Megha was certain that entrepreneurship was her path. The freedom to live her dream and share it with the world is unparalleled. The story of John Lennon, who aspired to be happy when he grew up, resonated deeply with her. She always wanted to do what made her happy, and entrepreneurship allowed her to live life on her terms.

Megha’s journey has been marked by significant breakthroughs. Despite being told in Grade 6 that she would never learn English, she became a national bestselling author whose words inspire people globally. Living through her mother’s battle with Stage 4 cancer, where her mother thrived for ten years through meditation, food, and yoga, was transformative and covered by platforms like Humans of Bombay and CNN. Megha’s book, “The Breakthrough,” published by Rupa Publications, was launched virtually to an audience of over 300,000 people and became a bestseller.

The entrepreneurial spirit in Megha was ignited by a school principal who experienced her online writing workshop and asked if she could create a similar program for her students. This led to the creation of the WoW 3L’s curriculum, which now serves many student-centric schools.

Seeing every “no” as an opportunity to innovate has been crucial in Megha’s journey. Her inspiration comes from her beloved guru, Mahatria, whose teachings in infinitheism have guided her for two decades. Everything she is and aspires to be is owed to him.

Beyond WoW, Megha is a National best-selling author and speaker. Her latest book, “The Breakthrough,” has inspired many, and she is also venturing into film scriptwriting. She conducts workshops and talks globally, from emotional wellness in New Jersey to speaking at prestigious events like The World Confluence of Spirituality.

Megha believes deeply in spirituality, meditation, and living a balanced life. She cherishes time with her family, especially her infant daughter, Athyasaa, and finds joy in reading, music, and yoga. To aspiring entrepreneurs, Megha advises: write from your heart, and the world will be moved by your words.

Shivam Bajaj, Founder – Ciel Media

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Shivam Bajaj is the innovative mind behind Ciel Media, a comprehensive digital marketing agency based in Bombay that caters to a global clientele. Specializing in everything from brand identity establishment to cutting-edge design solutions, and from photography & videography to post-production and performance marketing, Ciel Media has become a one-stop shop for digital content needs. Their impressive portfolio includes top-tier restaurants, hotels, clubs mall chains across the country & around the world.

Shivam’s journey into the world of digital marketing was driven by a blend of passion and opportunity. With no formal background but a keen eye for digital trends and a deep appreciation for creative storytelling, he founded Ciel Media. Recognizing a unique gap in the market for high-quality, integrated content solutions, he seized the opportunity to fill it. This proactive approach allowed him to learn and evolve continuously, adapting to the ever-changing digital landscape.

Every young entrepreneur serves as a deep source of inspiration for Shivam. He understands the immense determination and sacrifices required to embark on such an inherently unstable journey. Starting Ciel Media at just 20 years old, Shivam faced significant challenges, particularly overcoming the initial skepticism of prospective clients due to his age. Walking into meetings, he often encountered doubting looks and underestimations. However, these perceptions quickly shifted once he presented the agency’s work. Demonstrating their capabilities and the quality of their output, the initial doubts transformed into commendations and trust. This experience taught Shivam the power of resilience and the importance of proving one’s worth through actions and results.

To aspiring young entrepreneurs, Shivam offers valuable advice: focus on building a strong foundation of knowledge and skills, be prepared to face and overcome skepticism, and always let your work speak for itself. He believes that persistence, continuous learning, and a genuine passion for your field are crucial elements for success. Surround yourself with a supportive network and stay adaptable in the face of challenges. Embrace every opportunity to prove your capabilities, and let your achievements pave the way for your growth and recognition in the industry.

Naman Ambavi, Founding Member – Induced

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Naman Ambavi is a dynamic entrepreneur and one of the founding members of Induced, a cutting-edge AI start-up based in San Francisco. Induced specializes in developing actionable AI models designed to revolutionize how we interact with unstructured web data. The company has successfully raised over $2 million from prominent investors, including Sam Altman, Nat Friedman, Daniel Gross, and Peak IV Partners, reflecting the strong support and belief in their vision.

After spearheading three companies over the past seven years, Naman sought to consolidate his extensive experience into a venture at the forefront of internet technologies. Teaming up with Aryan, a friend turned co-founder, they embarked on creating Induced. Their shared vision and innovative approach quickly turned the idea into a tangible reality. Over time, Naman has realized that achieving Product-Market Fit (PMF) is crucial in validating that their solution is genuinely worth pursuing.

Beyond his professional endeavors, Naman is actively involved in volunteering. He contributes to the Shrimad Rajchandra Mission Dharampur (SRMD), a non-profit organization, as part of their AI and technology initiatives. Last year, his efforts led to the successful development of a real-time voice translation model that retains the speaker’s voice.

Naman firmly believes that “the right time to build something was yesterday.” With technology now more accessible and powerful than ever, he emphasizes the importance of leveraging advancements in AI and large language models to drive innovation. Entrepreneurs must be proactive and embrace change to lead the evolution of longstanding processes.

Before founding Induced, Naman worked on Easocare, where he made a significant impact on the Indian pharmaceutical supply chain. Over 3.5 years, his efforts positively affected over 800,000 lives through a suite of 12 products.

Having traveled to over 23 countries, Naman has met many people, shaping his values and thinking. He believes in the power of rapid execution and focusing on areas of high enthusiasm to maximize impact. True innovation, he notes, involves moving beyond competition by establishing monopolies in new, unexplored markets. Naman lives by Reid Hoffman’s quote, “Your network is your net worth,” valuing relationships with those who challenge and support his growth.

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Special Editions

Breaking Barriers: Success Stories of Women Achievers Who Will Inspire You in 2024




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In a world where breaking barriers has become synonymous with women’s empowerment, the success stories of exceptional women achievers continue to inspire and pave the way for future generations. In 2024, we shine a spotlight on these remarkable individuals who have defied odds, shattered stereotypes, and carved out their own paths to success.

Join us as we celebrate the women who are not only achieving greatness but also inspiring others to dream big and break their own barriers.

Shubhra Chadda, Founder – Chumbak

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Shubhra Chadda stands as a beacon among India’s female fashion entrepreneurs, her journey marked by a vision that breathed life into the vibrant world of Chumbak. The inception of Chumbak dawned upon Shubhra when she identified significant gaps in the Indian market, particularly the absence of a destination where individuals could carry tangible memories from their travels.

In a bold move, Shubhra and her husband, Vivek Prabhakar, decided to sell their house to fund the launch of Chumbak, a quirky lifestyle store that has since evolved into a thriving venture within the fashion and lifestyle industry. Offering a distinctive collection catering to travelers, connoisseurs of aesthetics, and enthusiasts of Indian-themed souvenirs, Chumbak has grown into a prominent e-commerce platform encompassing a myriad of products. In 2020, reports showcased the brand’s expansive footprint, boasting more than forty branches scattered across India. Shubhra Chadda’s entrepreneurial spirit and commitment to filling market voids have not only manifested in the success of Chumbak but also solidified her status as an inspiring figure in the realm of Indian fashion entrepreneurship.

Shilpa Reddy – Mrs. India, Fashion Designer, Entrepreneur & Holistic Lifestyle Influencer

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Shilpa Reddy, a visionary designer and the first Indian to showcase her collection at the Eiffel Tower, embarked on a creative journey after graduating from the Academy of Design, Toronto. Founder of the Shilpa Reddy Label, she prioritizes sustainability, responding to the fashion industry’s environmental impact by downsizing her studio. Her label now stands as a beacon of eco-conscious fashion, catering exclusively to a select clientele through a personalized, advertisement-free approach.

Expanding her vision, Shilpa established an early learning center inspired by Reggio Emilia’s philosophy, where nature serves as the “third teacher.” Recognizing the crucial formative years of children, she aims to provide a stress-free, sustainable environment for holistic development.

Beyond her professional pursuits, Shilpa draws inspiration from diverse individuals and delves into cultural heritage. She finds joy in singing, dancing, and exploring natural farming—a labor of love rooted in understanding the delicate dance between soil, seeds, and seasons. Healthy eating is a lifestyle actively embraced by Shilpa.

In her perspective on femininity, Shilpa advocates for women to maintain authenticity, emphasizing the unique qualities they bring to the table. Rejecting the notion of comparing oneself with men, she believes in preserving the balance and harmony in society, encouraging women to embrace their distinctive strengths without compromising their authenticity. Shilpa Reddy encourages every woman to reflect on the difference they can make while staying true to their intrinsic nature.

Lakshmi Sridhar, General Manager of Novotel

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Lakshmi Sridhar is a highly respected hospitality professional with over 22 years of experience. As the General Manager of Novotel Visakhapatnam Varun Beach & The Bheemili Resort, she has significantly improved the prestige and efficiency of these properties. With a background at Accor, where she spent over 11 years, Lakshmi has consistently increased revenue and enhanced guest satisfaction through innovative strategies and effective management.

Lakshmi’s strategic vision and adaptability have been key to her success. At Novotel, she focuses on delivering exceptional guest experiences, fostering team cohesion, and implementing innovative solutions. Her achievements have been recognized with numerous awards, including “Best Coastal Hotel” by Haute Grandeur, “Best MICE Hotel” by Andhra Pradesh Tourism, and the “Best Management Award” by the Labour Government of Andhra Pradesh.

Raised in Delhi in a Tamilian family and now settled in Visakhapatnam, Lakshmi brings a unique blend of cultural experiences to her role. Her commitment to excellence, strong interpersonal skills, and empathetic leadership make her a respected and influential figure in the hospitality industry.

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Special Editions

SheLeads 2024: Top 10 Inspiring Women Entrepreneurs Reshaping India’s Business Landscape




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In the dynamic world of Indian business, women entrepreneurs are breaking barriers and reshaping the landscape with their innovative ideas and unwavering determination. SheLeads 2024 celebrates the top 10 inspiring women who are driving change, creating opportunities, and setting new benchmarks in various industries.

These trailblazers, with their unique vision and leadership, are not only building successful enterprises but also inspiring countless others to follow in their footsteps. From technology to healthcare, finance to fashion, meet the women who are redefining success and making a lasting impact on India’s business scene.

Masaba Gupta, Founder – House of Masaba

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Masaba Gupta, renowned as one of India’s foremost fashion designers, has carved an inspiring path in the industry, overcoming challenges tied to her mixed heritage with unwavering determination. The daughter of veteran actor Neena Gupta, Masaba embarked on her fashion journey at just 19, debuting with a collection at Lakme Fashion Week. Armed with a degree in Apparel Manufacturing and Design, she initially explored the world of dance, earning accolades in college.

Masaba’s innate flair for fashion, coupled with a passionate attitude, led her to recognize her true calling. Balancing creativity, commercial appeal, and functionality, she founded ‘House of Masaba,’ her eponymous label that has garnered widespread acclaim. Breaking barriers, she became the first Indian designer to host a fashion show on Instagram, showcasing her innovative approach.

Despite initial challenges, Masaba’s persistence and creative prowess have seen her collaborate with renowned fashion brands. From her inaugural collection at 19 to the establishment of ‘House of Masaba,’ her journey underscores the profound impact of persistence on the road to success.

Geetika Batra, Founder – Goldfish PR

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Introducing Geetika Batra, the entrepreneurial powerhouse behind Gold Fish PR and Communications LLP in India, and Raga Events Management LLC in Dubai. With a wealth of experience spanning over 15 years in PR and events management, Geetika is a true maven of her craft, renowned for her strategic acumen and flawless execution.

Her secret sauce? A deep-rooted understanding of branding coupled with an unwavering commitment to excellence. Geetika’s knack for problem-solving and analytical prowess ensures bespoke solutions that perfectly align with her clients’ objectives, delivering unmatched results every time.

Driven by an unbridled passion for brand building, Geetika sets her sights on nothing less than perfection. She navigates the delicate balance between short-term wins and long-term goals, paving the way for sustained success in an ever-evolving market landscape.

In a world where attention is a scarce commodity, Geetika sees boundless opportunities for innovation in PR and marketing. Her mantra revolves around meaningful engagement and authentic storytelling, forging genuine connections with audiences amidst the noise.

At Gold Fish PR, Geetika’s vision extends far beyond business. She endeavors to empower minds and communities, offering a suite of services tailored to transform businesses into iconic brands. From brand enhancement to corporate events and community initiatives, her agency leaves an indelible mark on both clients and society.

Through sustainable PR solutions and community engagement initiatives, Geetika and her team champion positive societal impact, nurturing the holistic growth and well-being of tomorrow’s leaders. In the world of Geetika Batra, entrepreneurship isn’t just about business—it’s about making a meaningful difference.

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