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ABP Network Launches Cutting-Edge Metaverse Election Centre for Verdict 2024



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Experience election 2024 like never before with ABP Metaverse offering real-time updates, virtual tours, games and more

Mumbai, May 30, 2024: As the nation awaits the verdict of the highly anticipated Lok Sabha Elections 2024, ABP Network is thrilled to announce the launch of its cutting-edge Election Centre on Metaverse 2.0. The platform will transform the way citizens engage with the electoral process, offering a rich, immersive experience that goes beyond traditional coverage.

From result analyses to interactive games, and a data centre to real-time tracking of votes on the counting day, the Election Mandate 2024 on ABP Metaverse, accessible on, has it all.

Here’s a sneak peek into what it offers:
Virtual Walkthrough of Central Vista: Step into the new Parliament of India with our detailed virtual walkthrough. Explore the majestic halls and chambers of this iconic landmark, where the 18th Lok Sabha will function from the very beginning of its term.

Live Election Coverage: Stay updated with continuous live updates of the results on the counting day and beyond.

How To Vote Initiative: An informative guide to educate and increase awareness among first-time voters on the voting process.

Election Data Centre: Dive into our extensive Election Data Centre, where you can check data from previous elections and find schedules and important information about key candidates.

ABP Elections Shorts: In a hurry? Get briefed on the top election news in under 60 seconds with our ABP Elections Shorts. Stay informed with concise and impactful updates.

Election Results and Exit Poll Coverage: Find real-time seat share, counting details, and major updates directly from our Election Centre.

Real-Time Avatar Interaction: Interact with other avatars in our dynamic Metaverse arena. Discuss, debate, and share your thoughts on the election with fellow citizens in a vibrant virtual space.

Interactive Games and Quizzes: Engage in fun and educational activities with our interactive games and quizzes. Test your knowledge and win exciting prizes as you learn more about the electoral process.

ABP Data Wall: Access a wide array of election infographics on our ABP Data Wall. These insightful data visualisations will help you understand the dynamics of the election like never before.

On the launch of the Election Centre Metaverse, Avinash Pandey, CEO, ABP Network, said: “Elections and ABP Network have always been synonymous due to the trust that the viewers have shown over years. The launch of the Election Centre Metaverse 2.0 is another milestone in the journey to stay ahead of the curve using the latest tech and go limitless.”

The Election Centre on ABP Metaverse 2.0 aims to serve as a one-stop destination for all information related to the polls. From debates and podcasts to ‘Predict & Win’ games, in-depth analyses of past election results, candidate profiles, and constituency analyses, we’ve got you covered.


MLA Geeta Jain Demands Action Against Sabir Shaikh & YouTube Channel ‘On Record Mira Bhayandar’




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Siddhant Mohite, Mira Bhayandar:

In a recent development, MLA Geeta Jain of Mira Bhayandar has escalated concerns to the Police Commissioner regarding alleged misrepresentation by a YouTube channel named ‘On Record Mira Bhayandar,’ operated by Sabir Shaikh. The controversy stems from a headline used in one of their news videos, titled ‘Papa Ki Pari,’ which MLA Geeta Jain asserts was a deliberate attempt to tarnish her image and that of the Police Department.

Letter to the Police Commissioner of Mira Bhayandar by MLA Geeta Jain

The video in question insinuated that MLA Geeta Jain, referred to as ‘Pari,’ and the Police, termed ‘Papa,’ have a collusive relationship, leading to a deterioration in the city’s religious environment. It alleges that the Police have favored the Hindu community over the Muslim Community, contributing to a disruption in communal harmony. MLA Geeta Jain vehemently denies these claims, stating that such misinformation can incite tensions between communities and damage the fabric of religious coexistence in the city.

Expressing her concerns, MLA Geeta Jain emphasized the crucial role of the media as the fourth pillar of democracy but condemned the actions of journalists like Sabir Shaikh for sensationalizing and distorting facts. She has formally requested the Police Commissioner to take swift action against Sabir Shaikh and shut down the ‘Mira Bhayandar on Record’ YouTube channel to prevent further dissemination of what she perceives as damaging and divisive content.

This development underscores the delicate balance between freedom of expression and responsible journalism, highlighting the challenges faced in maintaining transparency and accuracy in media reporting, especially in politically charged environments.

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Mumbai Prepares for a High-Stakes Game: Unveiling the 2024 Lok Sabha Elections




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Priyal Singh, Mumbai Uncensored:

As the 2024 Lok Sabha elections draw closer, the pulse of Mumbai, the beating heart of India’s commercial capital, quickens with political fervor. Six crucial parliamentary seats are up for grabs, prompting a fierce electoral battleground where national narratives intersect with local aspirations. Let’s delve deeper into the key issues, political contenders, and potential game-changers shaping this high-stakes game:

Burning Issues – The Pulse of Mumbaikars:

  • Economic Hardship: Skyrocketing living costs, coupled with unemployment and stagnant wages, have burdened Mumbaikars. Affordable housing, efficient public transportation, and job creation will be top priorities for voters.
  • Infrastructure Blues: The megacity grapples with inadequate infrastructure, from chronic traffic congestion and unreliable public transport to overflowing landfills and poor waste management. Parties proposing sustainable solutions will gain traction.
  • Civic Amenities Under Scrutiny: Deficiencies in education, healthcare, and sanitation significantly impact citizens’ lives. Parties addressing these concerns, especially in densely populated areas, will stand out.
  • Safety and Security Worries: Safety, especially for women, remains a major concern. Effective policing, street lighting improvements, and women’s empowerment initiatives will be crucial talking points.

Political Landscape – A Complex Web of Alliances:

  • BJP’s Fortress Under Siege: The Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), currently holding all six Mumbai seats, faces a tough challenge. They will emphasize national security, development schemes, and Hindutva ideology, while defending their performance on local issues.
  • Shiv Sena’s Resurrection Act: The Nationalist Congress Party (NCP) and Shiv Sena, former allies turned rivals, have formed the Mahavikas Aghadi alliance. They will likely target anti-incumbency sentiment, criticize BJP’s policies, and highlight local governance failures.
  • Congress Seeks Renewal: The Indian National Congress (INC) aims to regain lost ground with a renewed focus on social welfare, economic policies catering to the underprivileged, and strengthening its alliance with local partners.
  • Smaller Players Add Spice: Regional parties like Maharashtra Navnirman Sena (MNS) and All India Majlis-e-Ittehadul Muslimeen (AIMIM) could play kingmakers, dividing votes and influencing outcomes, especially in minority-dominated constituencies.

Uncertainties and Predictions – A Game of Chance:

  • National vs. Local: Striking the Right Balance: National narratives like security and development will compete with local concerns like infrastructure and civic amenities. Candidates skillfully addressing both will command a stronger position.
  • Anti-Incumbency Wave: Discontent with the current government’s performance might lead to a swing in votes, benefiting challengers.
  • Voter Turnout – The X Factor: High voter turnout, especially among younger demographics, can significantly impact results. Mobilizing these untapped segments will be crucial for any party.

Predicting the outcome of Mumbai’s Lok Sabha elections remains a complex task. The BJP faces a stiff challenge to retain its dominance, while the Mahavikas Aghadi and Congress aim to capitalize on public discontent. Regional players could act as kingmakers, and voter turnout will be a decisive factor.

Beyond the Political Arena:

  • Role of Civil Society: Activist groups and NGOs are raising awareness about critical issues like environmental degradation, urban planning, and women’s empowerment, influencing public opinion and potentially impacting electoral choices.
  • Social Media Impact: Platforms like Twitter and Facebook are abuzz with political discourse, shaping public perception and potentially mobilizing voters, especially the youth.
  • Media Scrutiny: Media outlets will play a critical role in fact-checking, holding candidates accountable, and presenting diverse perspectives, shaping the electoral narrative.

Final Thoughts: As Mumbai gears up for the 2024 Lok Sabha elections, the stakes are high. With complex issues, shifting alliances, and uncertain predictions, the electoral battle promises to be an exciting watch. The outcome will not only influence national politics but also determine the future trajectory of this dynamic and diverse megacity. Stay tuned as the political drama unfolds, and Mumbaikars cast their votes, deciding the fate of their city and nation

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Rajasthan on the Brink: 2024 Lok Sabha Elections Poised for a Seismic Shift




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Priyal Singh, Mumbai Uncensored:

As the 2024 Lok Sabha elections draw near, Rajasthan, India’s largest state, finds itself at a political crossroads. All 25 Lok Sabha seats are up for grabs, igniting a high-stakes battleground where national narratives collide with deeply rooted local concerns. Navigating this complex political landscape requires understanding the burning issues, the intricate web of alliances, and the potential game-changers shaping this crucial electoral contest.

Burning Issues: The Pulse of Rajasthanis

  • Economic Woes: Inflation, unemployment, and stagnant wages cast a long shadow over Rajasthani lives. Farmers, a significant voting bloc, struggle with low crop prices, mounting debts, and inadequate irrigation facilities. Parties offering concrete solutions to alleviate these burdens and stimulate economic growth will find favor.
  • Water Scarcity: A looming crisis in almost every corner of the state, water scarcity impacts both agriculture and urban life. Sustainable water management and conservation plans will resonate with voters, pushing water policy to the forefront of the campaign discourse.
  • Education and Healthcare: Deficiencies in both sectors cripple opportunities and wellbeing. Parties showcasing plans to improve access to quality education and healthcare in urban and rural areas will gain traction, especially among younger demographics.
  • Rural Distress: Beyond farmers’ issues, a broader discontentment simmers in rural areas due to inadequate infrastructure, limited access to essential services, and lack of job opportunities. Policies addressing these concerns will be pivotal for parties aiming to win rural seats.

Political Landscape: Alliances, Aspirations, and Ambitions

  • BJP: Navigating Challenges: Riding high on strong national security narrative and development projects, the current ruling party, BJP, aims to retain its dominance. However, anti-incumbency sentiment, economic woes, and water mismanagement pose significant challenges. They will need to address these concerns effectively to stay ahead.
  • Congress: Seeking Redemption: The main opposition, Congress, seeks a comeback after the 2019 electoral drubbing. They highlight economic hardships under BJP rule and promise economic revival, improved social welfare schemes, and better governance. Their success hinges on effectively mobilizing their traditional voter base and attracting new segments.
  • RLP: The Regional Factor: Rashtriya Lok Dal (RLP), led by Hanuman Beniwal, holds one seat and wields significant influence in key rural areas. Their potential alliances and performance will significantly impact election outcomes, especially in western Rajasthan.
  • Smaller Parties: Playing the Spoiler Role: Other parties like the Bahujan Samaj Party (BSP), CPI(M), and Rajasthan Vikas Party (RVP) could play a spoiler role, influencing vote shares and potentially affecting results in specific constituencies. Their alliances and targeted campaigns will be crucial in this complex powerplay.

Uncertainties and Predictions: A Tight Race with Wide Implications

Predicting the outcome of Rajasthan’s Lok Sabha elections is anything but simple. BJP faces a tough battle, navigating anti-incumbency sentiment and addressing local concerns. Congress looks to capitalize on these weaknesses, but internal unity and strategic alliances remain crucial. RLP’s position adds another layer of complexity, while smaller parties could hold the key to upsets.

  • Caste Dynamics: Rajasthan’s complex caste composition plays a significant role in electoral calculations. Parties effectively aligning with specific caste groups and addressing their concerns will have an advantage.
  • Voter Turnout: The X-Factor: High voter turnout, especially among youth and marginalized communities, could significantly influence the outcome. Mobilizing these segments will be crucial for all parties.
  • National vs. Local Narrative: Striking the right balance between national narratives like security and development, and local issues like water scarcity and rural distress, will be crucial for parties to connect with voters.

Beyond the Polling Booths: Shaping the Discourse

  • Civil Society: Activist groups and NGOs are raising awareness about critical issues like water conservation, farmer welfare, and social justice, influencing public opinion and potentially impacting electoral choices.
  • Media Scrutiny: Media outlets will play a critical role in fact-checking, holding candidates accountable, and presenting diverse perspectives, shaping the electoral narrative.
  • Social Media Buzz: Platforms like Twitter and Facebook are abuzz with political discourse, shaping public perception and potentially mobilizing voters, especially the youth.

Final Thoughts: The 2024 Lok Sabha elections in Rajasthan promise to be a historic moment, potentially marking a seismic shift in the state’s political landscape. With an array of key issues, shifting alliances, and unpredictable outcomes, every vote will count in determining the destiny of this dynamic and diverse state. The battle for each seat will be fiercely contested, and the results will not only decide Rajasthan’s representation in the national parliament but also shape its future trajectory. As the campaign season heats up, stay tuned to witness the political drama.

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