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Ascendion Unveils AI Studio in Chennai, Pioneering the Future of AI-Driven Innovation



Karthik Krishnamurthy CEO left and Prakash Balasubramanian Executive Vice President Engineering Solutions right scaled

Ascendion, a leader in AI-powered software engineering, proudly announces the launch of its GenAI Studio in Chennai to gather, collaborate, and build the future. This state-of-the-art studio and engineering workspace embodies the growing demand for Generative AI and continues to advance Ascendion’s leadership in the GenAI landscape.

Thousands of “Ascenders” are already delivering business impact with GenAI solutions. (Some examples include: deploying AI models 30% faster for a tech giant; accelerating content creation by 40% for a hardware leader; and tripling go-to-market velocity for a Fortune 50 bank.)

“Enterprise leaders are excited about the future of AI, but they need to see real-world results. Our new AI studio in Chennai is filled with expert talent, hands-on technology, and inspiration, all designed to excite, provoke, and generate applied GenAI solutions that will drive business forward and positively impact lives all over the world,” said Karthik Krishnamurthy, CEO of Ascendion. “Our new space, located in a global hub of business and technology innovation, will help us deliver what we call ‘Engineering ^AI’ as we create the future of work together with clients.” 

Ascendion’s GenAI initiatives, including development of our AVA+ platform, deliver radical transparency, help clients accelerate impact, velocity, and productivity by >40% while offering double-digit savings from AI Arbitrage. Ascendion’s Digital Ascender platform enhances productivity across the entire software life cycle, and more than 1,500 people have already received GenAI training.


India Seeks Global Help for Lithium Processing




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Priyal Singh, Mumbai Uncensored:

India’s pursuit of partnerships with countries like Australia, United States, Bolivia, Britain, Japan, and South Korea for expertise in lithium processing marks a significant step in its electric vehicle (EV) ambitions. By reducing dependence on China, India aims to establish a self-sufficient EV ecosystem within its borders. The move underscores India’s commitment to accelerating the adoption of electric vehicles and fostering sustainable transportation solutions.

Lithium processing plays a crucial role in the production of lithium-ion batteries, which power electric vehicles and various portable electronic devices. With the global demand for electric vehicles on the rise, securing a stable supply of lithium and developing domestic processing capabilities have become strategic priorities for many countries, including India.

China currently dominates the global lithium processing industry, controlling a significant portion of the world’s lithium resources and processing capacity. However, concerns about geopolitical tensions and supply chain vulnerabilities have prompted India to diversify its sources of expertise and technology in this critical sector.

Partnering with countries known for their expertise in lithium processing, such as Australia, United States, and South Korea, offers India access to cutting-edge technology and best practices. These collaborations can facilitate knowledge transfer, research and development initiatives, and capacity building in lithium extraction and processing techniques.

Furthermore, by forging partnerships with multiple countries, India can mitigate the risk of supply chain disruptions and enhance its resilience to geopolitical uncertainties. Establishing a robust domestic lithium processing industry not only supports India’s electric vehicle goals but also creates opportunities for economic growth, job creation, and technological innovation.

In addition to lithium processing, India is also focusing on developing a comprehensive EV ecosystem, including battery manufacturing, charging infrastructure, and supportive policy frameworks. The government’s initiatives such as the Faster Adoption and Manufacturing of Hybrid and Electric Vehicles (FAME) scheme and the National Mission on Transformative Mobility and Battery Storage aim to accelerate the adoption of electric vehicles and build a sustainable mobility ecosystem.

As the world transitions towards cleaner and greener transportation solutions, India’s efforts to strengthen its lithium processing capabilities are aligned with global trends and priorities. By leveraging international collaborations and fostering domestic innovation, India can position itself as a key player in the global electric vehicle market while contributing to environmental sustainability and energy security.

In conclusion, India’s quest for global partnerships in lithium processing reflects its strategic vision to establish a robust and self-reliant electric vehicle ecosystem. By tapping into international expertise and technology, India aims to overcome existing challenges and capitalize on the immense potential of electric mobility to drive economic growth and environmental stewardship.

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Retail Organizations Attacked by Ransomware Increasingly Unable to Halt an Attack in Progress, Sophos Survey Finds





12th December, 2023:

Sophos, a global leader in innovating and delivering cybersecurity as a service, today shared findings from its sector survey report, “The State of Ransomware in Retail 2023,” which found that only 26% of retail organizations this past year were able to disrupt a ransomware attack before their data was encrypted. This is a three-year low for the sector—a decline from 34% in 2021 and 28% in 2022—suggesting the sector is increasingly unable to halt ransomware attacks already in progress.

“Retailers are losing ground in the battle against ransomware. Ransomware criminals have been encrypting increasingly greater percentages of their retail victims in the last three years, as evidenced by the steadily declining rate of retailers stopping cybercriminal attacks in progress. Retailers must up their defensive game by setting up security that detects and responds to intrusions earlier in the attack chain,” said Chester Wisniewski, director, global field CTO, Sophos.

In addition, the report found that, for those retail organizations that paid the ransom, their median recovery costs (not including the ransom payment) were four times the recovery costs of those that used backups to recover their data ($3,000,000 versus $750,000).

“Forty-three percent of retail victims paid the ransom according to our survey respondents, yet the median recovery cost to victims who paid the ransom was four times the cost to those who used backups and other recovery methods. There are no shortcuts in these situations and rebuilding systems is almost always required. It’s better to deprive the criminals of their spoils and build back better,” said Wisniewski.

Additional key findings from the report include:

  • In line with a broader, cross-sector trend, the retail sector experienced its highest rate of encryption over the past three years, with 71% of those organizations targeted by ransomware stating that attackers successfully encrypted their data
  • The percentage of retail organizations attacked by ransomware declined from 77% last year to 69% this year
  • The percentage of retail organizations that recovered in less than a day decreased from 15% to 9% this year, while the percentage of retail organizations that took more than a month to recover increased from 17% to 21%

Sophos recommends the following best practices to help defend against ransomware and other cyberattacks:

  • Strengthen defensive shields with:
    • Security tools that defend against the most common attack vectors, including endpoint protection with strong anti-ransomware and anti-exploit capabilities
    • Adaptive technologies that respond automatically to attacks, disrupting adversaries and buying defenders time to respond
  • Optimize attack preparation, including regularly backing up, practicing recovering data from backups and maintaining an up-to-date incident response plan
  • Maintain security hygiene, including timely patching and regularly reviewing security tool configurations

To learn more about the State of Ransomware in Retail 2023, download the full report from

The State of Ransomware 2023 survey polled 3,000 IT/cybersecurity leaders in organizations with between 100 and 5,000 employees, including 355 from the retail sector, across 14 countries in the Americas, EMEA and Asia Pacific.

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Robots are taking over jobs, but don’t panic yet!



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D V L S Pranathi, Mumbai Uncensored, 3rd January, 2023:

We would’ve heard many people say that robots will soon take over the world as an exaggeration. However, it is not a joke anymore. People usually are under the presumption that robots are reducing the need for human labor, especially when we consider examples like chatbots on amazon or other shopping platforms where these chatbots provide a much more efficient form of customer service by handling tracking packages without any human involvement. People cannot be blamed for having this chain of thought, especially when robots like Sophia, a humanoid robot, are hyped so much across the world.

A study by Eric Dahlin, a sociology professor at Bringham Young University, has proven that there is no need to have a fear of robot intervention. The study has revealed that the rate at which robots are replacing humans is lower than it seems to the human eye and that people are overestimating the extent to which robots are overtaking the workforce.

A recent study published in the journal Socius: Sociological Research for a dynamic world revealed that only 14% of the workforce jobs had been replaced by robots which is barely anything. However, just as the human mind works, people who have experienced a loss of employment due to a robot have managed to exaggerate the entire idea by three times.

Dahlin surveyed close to 2,000 people regarding their opinions of work replacement by robots to better understand the relationship between job loss and bots. 47% of all jobs, according to those who have been replaced by a robot (about 14%), have been taken over. In a similar vein, people who had not personally experienced job displacement nonetheless believed that robots had replaced 29% of jobs.

He also concluded from his research that this fear among humans could be dated back to the early 1800s. He says that the results have stayed consistent throughout all the studies and that robots are not displacing workers. All companies worldwide are trying to integrate robots and the human workforce for a greater and better outcome.

“An everyday example is an autonomous, self-propelled machine roaming the isles and cleaning floors at your local grocery store,” says Dahlin. “This robot cleans the floors while employees clean under shelves or other difficult-to-reach places.” (source SciTech daily)

Another excellent example of this idea, as stated by Dahlin, is the aviation industry in which humans and robots work together. They use robots to paint the wings of airplanes. A robot can complete one coat of paint in 24 minutes, while the same thing would take a few hours if done by a human. Therefore, humans load and unload the paint while the robots paint. Hence, we can conclude that robots are overtaking taking the world but not at the rate exaggerated by us humans, and it is in our hands to decide if this is a boon or a bane.

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