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A person named Mangesh Pandilkar Caught Using Phone Inside NESCO Counting Center, Violating ECI Guidelines



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Siddhant Mohite, Mumbai Uncensored:

The counting of votes for the Mumbai North West Lok Sabha Constituency at NESCO, Goregaon, witnessed a serious breach of Election Commission of India’s (ECI) guidelines today.

Mangesh Pandilkar, an individual present inside the counting center, was caught using his phone by a candidate contesting the election from the same constituency. According to the ECI’s stringent guidelines, the use of electronic devices such as cellphones, laptops, tablet computers, and calculators is strictly prohibited inside the counting center during the vote tallying process.

The presence of electronic devices in such a sensitive environment raises serious concerns about the integrity of the electoral process. It is suspected that Mangesh Pandilkar is a close relative of a prominent politician, further complicating the situation.

Election officers, when informed about the breach, directed the complainants to approach the police, stating that the matter fell under their jurisdiction. Consequently, a written complaint was lodged at Vanrai Police Station, though an FIR is yet to be registered.

Mumbai Uncensored spoke with Senior Police Inspector Mr. Rajbhar, who confirmed that an investigation is underway following the receipt of the complaint. “We are still investigating the issue to determine the extent of the violation and any potential implications,” he stated.

As the investigation continues, the incident has sparked a debate over the enforcement of ECI guidelines and the potential influence of political connections on the electoral process. The authorities are expected to address these concerns promptly to ensure the transparency and fairness of the election.

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Eviction Order Secured Against Actor Ajaz Khan for Illegal Possession of Property





Siddhant Mohite, Mumbai Uncensored:

In a significant legal victory, Wankhede Advocates and Consultants, represented by Yasmeen Wankhede and Vivek Pandey, have successfully secured an eviction order against actor Ajaz Khan for the illegal possession of property.

Advocate Yasmeen Wankhede stated that their client, Farid Thanawala, is the owner of units 1201 and 1202 at Poseidon Apartments on Yari Road, Versova. These apartments were leased to Ajaz Khan in 2018 for a two-year period. However, after the lease expired in 2020, Khan continued to occupy the premises without paying rent.

Following Khan’s arrest by the Narcotics Control Bureau (NCB) in 2021, his wife requested a renewal of the lease. Out of compassion, Thanawala agreed to a new leave and license agreement. Unfortunately, Khan once again failed to pay the rent, making his continued occupation unlawful. This led Thanawala to terminate the lease and initiate eviction proceedings with the Competent Authority in Bandra, Mumbai.

On August 28, 2023, the Competent Authority ordered Khan’s eviction and granted him one month to vacate the premises. Despite this, neither the outstanding rent was paid nor were the premises vacated.

Today, the Bailiff, with assistance from the Police, is enforcing the eviction order, ensuring that the property is returned to its rightful owner. This case underscores the legal repercussions of unlawful property occupation and highlights the importance of adhering to lease agreements.

The appeal was cancelled and eviction orders were given to Ajaz Khan.

Photo credits: Mumbai Mirror

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Love Jihad: Aqib Mir Exposed for Exploiting Hindu Woman with Fake Identity, Physical Abuse & Extortion




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Siddhant Mohite, Mumbai Uncensored:

In a disturbing case of Love Jihad, Aqib Mir, has been caught on video beating a Hindu woman, who is apparently his wife, whom he entrapped using a fake identity. The victim, Anna Jain, reached out to a social worker to share her harrowing experience and prevent others from falling into similar traps.

Anna Jain detailed how Aqib Mir initially contacted her through Instagram, using a parody account. He introduced himself as Ravi Rajput, claiming to work for politician Shri. Rajnath Singh. Aqib Mir asserted that due to his alleged work in defense, he could not maintain personal social media accounts, hence the use of a parody profile.

After months of dating, Anna Jain discovered that Ravi Rajput was, in fact, Aqib Mir, a man with active social media accounts under his real name. When confronted, Aqib Mir manipulated her emotions, claiming he had hidden his true identity because he feared losing her due to him being a Muslim. Convinced by his explanation, Anna agreed to marry him in a Nikah ceremony.

Following their marriage, Aqib Mir began extorting money from Anna through emotional blackmail. He pressured her to deplete her bank accounts and sell her jewelry, valued between 40-50 lakhs, to purchase property for him. Once she was financially drained, Aqib Mir’s behavior turned violent. He assaulted her daily, physically abusing her when she could no longer provide financial support.

During this period, Anna discovered that Mir had multiple affairs, all with Hindu and Jain women. He exploited his “nationalist Muslim” persona to deceive and exploit these women, professing pro-BJP and pro-India sentiments to gain their trust. However, he harbored deep-seated hatred towards Hindus and the BJP.

Eventually, Anna managed to escape his home and filed a police report against Aqib Mir. She urges other women to be cautious and to verify the identities and intentions of those they meet online, emphasizing the importance of exposing such predators to prevent further victimization.

Here’s the registered FIR:

WhatsApp Image 2024 05 22 at 12.22.57 AM

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Payment Frauds Rise Sharply in India




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Priyal Singh, Mumbai Uncensored:

The sharp rise in payment frauds in India, with a staggering increase of 70.64% between October 2023 and March 2024, underscores the pressing need for robust cybersecurity measures in the digital payments landscape. As more transactions shift online, the risk of fraudulent activities has escalated, posing significant challenges to individuals, businesses, and financial institutions alike.

Digital payments have become increasingly popular in India, driven by factors such as convenience, accessibility, and government-led initiatives to promote cashless transactions. However, this rapid digitization has also attracted cybercriminals seeking to exploit vulnerabilities in payment systems and defraud unsuspecting victims.

Common types of payment frauds include phishing attacks, identity theft, card skimming, and unauthorized transactions. Cybercriminals employ sophisticated techniques to deceive users and gain access to their sensitive financial information, leading to financial losses and reputational damage.

The surge in payment frauds highlights the need for proactive measures to enhance cybersecurity awareness, strengthen authentication protocols, and deploy advanced fraud detection technologies. Financial institutions must invest in robust cybersecurity infrastructure and collaborate with law enforcement agencies to combat cyber threats effectively.

Moreover, educating consumers about safe online practices and promoting cybersecurity hygiene are essential steps in mitigating the risk of payment frauds. Individuals should exercise caution when sharing personal information online, avoid clicking on suspicious links or emails, and regularly monitor their financial transactions for any unauthorized activity.

Regulatory bodies and policymakers also play a crucial role in combating payment frauds by enacting stringent regulations, imposing penalties for non-compliance, and fostering collaboration among stakeholders to address emerging cyber threats effectively.

As India continues its digital transformation journey, addressing the growing menace of payment frauds is paramount to maintaining trust and confidence in digital payment systems. By adopting a multi-pronged approach that combines technological innovation, regulatory oversight, and cybersecurity awareness, India can effectively safeguard its digital economy and protect consumers from financial frauds.

In conclusion, the sharp increase in payment frauds underscores the urgent need for proactive cybersecurity measures to safeguard India’s digital payment ecosystem. By enhancing cybersecurity awareness, strengthening regulatory frameworks, and fostering collaboration among stakeholders, India can mitigate the risk of payment frauds and build a resilient digital economy that promotes trust, security, and financial inclusion.

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