
Sayali Kulkarni on helping the community in the fight against COVID



Ashwanth Vidhya & Nicole Ryall, Mumbai Uncensored, 19th June 2021:

In these times where a person is involved with a cause for no reason but for the pomp and show,  this activist from Maharashtra and her activism is different. Working along with many others to help patients and citizens who were affected by a lack of hospital beds, ICUs, and remedisivir, tocilizumab, and oxygen cylinders, Sayali Kulkarni diligently served her community during the adversities of the second wave of the pandemic. Her work began as a member of the youth wing helpline, where she assisted hundreds of patients in Maharashtra with hospital beds, oxygen, and other necessities. She even followed up with local officials and hospitals to ensure that the victims received remedisivir and prescriptions as soon as possible. 

“The blessings garnered just kept me motivated to serve our fellow citizens, the messages received after every case gave me a ray of hope in these dark times”, said Sayali. She went out into the field to distribute over 10,000 masks in her constituency, Versova, focusing on the impoverished being the necessity of the hour. The next task on her agenda was to provide steamers to the needy once again, because studies have shown that steam can assist in reducing the otherwise complex symptoms of COVID. 

She also worked consistently to create awareness around the importance of getting vaccinated in light of the biggest global vaccination drive. By mid-April when everyone, including youngsters, wanted to be vaccinated, and appointments and slots were becoming difficult to book, Sayali took it upon herself to coordinate vaccines for all age groups when people were unaware of the numerous vaccination drives being conducted in their area.

“What is the use of all the networking and contact, if you cannot help your residents in times of need”, said Sayali. She created a network of organisations and assigned spaces to individuals in Mumbai’s numerous vaccination facilities. Many businesses entrusted her with vaccinating their employees. She has expressed her thanks to MLA Ameet Satam, MLA Atul Bhatkhalkar, and MLA Parag Alavani for assisting her in vaccinating the people.  ‘Ekta Manch – Mr Ajay Kaul, Celebrations club, and Mr. Jatin Gambhir also helped me’, said Sayali Kulkarni.

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