
Warning of a New COVID variant: NeoCoV



1 in 3 to die- Wuhan Scientists warn about new virus “NeoCov”

Akankshya Mukherjee, Mumbai Uncensored, 29th January 2022 :

A group of Chinese Scientists from Wuhan send warnings in regard to a new type of Corona Virus- NeoCoV- has the potential to cause high deaths and infection rates. According to the researchers from Wuhan University and Chinese Academy of Science’s Institute of Biophysics, only a single mutation is needed for the virus to enter human cells.

It is being said that NeoCoV is said to be a combination of high MR (mortality rate) of MERS-Co, where it is said to be that on an average basis 1 in every 3 infected people can die and a high rate of transmission of the current SARS-CoV-2 Corona Virus. Russian researchers from Vector Russian State Research Centre of Virology and Biotechnology say they are aware about the Chinese research on NeoCoV coronavirus.

Scientists in China issue warnings about NeoCoV, it is said to be a mutation related to the Middle East respiratory syndrome MERS-CoV is linked to the outbreaks in the Middle East in 2012 and 2015. As mentioned, this type of coronavirus, NeoCoV, that spreads among bats in South Africa pose a threat to humans in the future if it mutates further.

SARS CoV-2 has given us variants named after every other Greek alphabet. Corona Virus has a large family of viruses that causes diseases ranging from common cough and cold to Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome(SARS). Researchers note that NeoCov is found in the population of bats in South Africa and dpreads exclusively among these animals. However, NeoCoV does not infect humans but further mutation may prove to be potentially harmful.

According to the WHO, while the MERS virus has demonstrated limited ability to transmit between people outside of hospitals, it has repeatedly caused large scale outbreaks in health care facilities with severe health, security and economic impacts, most notably in Saudi Arabia in 2014-2016 and the Republic of Korea in 2015. In total, 27 countries have reported cases since 2012, leading to 858 known deaths due to the infection and related complications.

Researchers says “Our study demonstrates the first case of ACE2 usage in MERS-related viruses, shedding light on a potential bio-safety threat of the human emergence of an ACE2 using “MERS-CoV-2” with both high fatality and transmission rate”. Further add “Immunity triggered by prior infection or vaccination of other coronaviruses might be inadequate to protect humans from NeoCoV and PDF-2180-CoV infections because neither SARS-CoV-2 anti-sera nor ten tested anti-MERS-CoV nanobodies can cross-inhibit the infection caused by these two viruses”.

In the Middle East respiratory syndrome, the virus is said to be transferred to humans from infected dromedary camels. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), the origins of the virus are not fully understood but based on genome analysis of the virus, it is believed to have originated in bats and later transmitted to camels at some point in the distant past.

Earlier this week, World Health Organisation officials said that the “Next Covid-19 variant will definitely be more contagious than omicron, but the real question is whether or not it will be more deadly”. Prior infections from COVID or vaccination might not be enough to save us from NeoCov.

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