
Is it possible to remove fat from a particular area ?



Sagar Tewatia – Mumbai Uncensored, 5th March 2022

Almost everyone wants to change certain parts of their body, and you must have seen a few people practicing crunches and another similar exercises every day to change a particular body part, aren’t you?

 What exactly are they trying to achieve by doing this?

Maybe, they are trying to change the targeted body part or to remove the fat from that particular area.

Is it possible to remove fat from a particular area, or let’s say, is spot reduction possible?

Before we jump to this, let’s understand what spot reduction is.

Spot reduction refers to the claim that “fat from a particular body part can be targeted for removal through the exercises of specific muscles in that desired area”.

An example of spot reduction is exercising the abdominal area to get rid of excess fat on the stomach so that the abdominals would be visible.

This theory of targeting specific body parts is prevalent; many people focus only on problematic areas rather than exercising their entire bodies.

Let’s think of whether spot reduction is possible or not?

There is no evidence available to date that can prove that reducing fat from a particular area is possible; still, many controversies are going on worldwide on spot reduction, but we suggest you consider a few logical facts to understand this:

  1. When we gain fat, we acquire it in our entire body. Similarly, reducing fat decreases from our whole body and not from a particular area.
  2. There is an entire process behind fat reduction and muscle development; we break the muscles by training them, we provide the required nutrition and sufficient rest to get them repaired. So, alone workout cannot transform a particular area.
  3. If we keep on spending our energy in the wrong direction, we won’t be able to give our 100% on the other parts.
  4. We can’t imagine a guy from the obese category having six-pack abs visible; we hope you got the point.

We are sure that now you have a few logical facts and got the entire fat reduction process.


To reduce fat, we have to follow the whole process, which includes workout + nutrition + time to recover + patience, and we should not target a particular body part, but we should train our complete body.

Muscles will grow, and fat will go down; that’s how we can achieve our dream.

Please don’t fall into this trap of spot reduction!

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