
Busting Myths! Having visible abdominals does not mean that you are fit.



Sagar Tewatia – Mumbai Uncensored, 10th March 2022

You must have seen people measuring the fitness level by observing the abdominals, as much the abdominals are visible, as much they are fit, and the fat is there as much they are unfit.

Having visible abdominals is good but measuring the fitness on this parameter is not good.

Before evaluating fitness based on abdominals, first, understand what physical fitness is?

Earlier, physical fitness used to be defined as “the capacity to carry out the day’s activities without getting fatigued or exhausted.” 

However, with the changes in lifestyles and after COVID-19, physical fitness is now considered the body’s ability to function efficiently and effectively in work and breather activities, be healthy, resist hypokinetic diseases, improve the immune system meet emergencies.

What are the parameters to evaluate physical fitness?

To measure the fitness level, there are 5 components mentioned below.

Cardiorespiratory enduranceCardiorespiratory endurance is measured by examining how long or fast a person can achieve a particular activity. The heart rate and oxygen consumption are also considered in action.

Muscular endurance – Muscular endurance is gauged by the number of repetitions of a workout a person can perform. Push-ups and sit-ups are the typical tests done to evaluate this component.

Muscular strengthMuscular strength is calculated by how much weight can be carried about the repetitions. Generally, it is considered based on compound lifts like squats, bench press, deadlift, etc.

Ideal body compositionThe Ideal body composition glances into the fat portion of the body versus other tissues such as muscles. It is gauged using a variety of tests and devices. Simple tests using mathematical equations or callipers are standard and inexpensive. However, some advanced tests include submarine weighing, DEXA scan, etc.

FlexibilityFlexibility is the ability to move a joint via its complete range of movement. 

For example:- touching the head to the knees.


Don’t confuse your fitness by observing the visibility of abdominals; having visible abdominals could be a sign of hard work, but they don’t define your fitness level. Someone who is not having visible abdominals could be fitter than a guy who has sharp and visible abs.

So, next time don’t work out just for visible abdominals; work out to achieve all the upper mentioned vital components of fitness.

Stay Safe!

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