
What is the right way for optimal outcomes when you are training with a partner or in a group?



Sagar Tewatia – Mumbai Uncensored, 26th March 2022

Most people prefer training with a partner or in a group. Most of them try to copy others, which is not practical every time as we all have our range of motion, weight lifting capabilities, strengths, and many other factors which need to be considered.

How to train in a group?

Before starting training in a group, we should understand that the motive of every exercise is to grow muscles and not to copy others’ potential.

Individualization is the most effective way to achieve the highest potential. We should know our own potential first and then decide whether copying the partner or group is correct or not. 

Suppose, in a group of 3 members, the weight lifting capability of member one is lower than other two members, which means the muscles of member one are not ready yet to compete with other members; first, he has to strengthen his muscles to match the level of others, but he has to start with his available potential.

Group training plays an important role.

Group training plays an essential role as there is always great energy in the room when many people are training together; many of the members are trying to do well on the same training program and are curious to see how other members are doing. This energy is helpful. The lifters encourage each other, support the culture of the sport, generate confidence, and share the common understanding that lies beyond the training guide. 

The group even holds an average pace that supports the training active and inhibits lagging. In addition, there are role models in the group who motivate other members to push their existing limits.

Each team member is supported by the others. Executing such demanding exercise on an isolated basis will not last as long as is required to benefit from strict training.


The conclusion is that training must be individualized to be most effective but must be performed in a group setting that promotes full participation and maintains spirit. It is the most productive way to organize a group of gym-goers to achieve their highest potential.

You must train individually in a group.

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