
Are you confused about deciding the best time to take a protein shake?



Sagar Tewatia – Mumbai Uncensored, 3rd May 2022

Most people who do regular workouts supplement their diets with protein shakes to help them achieve several different fitness goals but are confused about deciding when to take protein.

Which time is the best time to consume a protein shake? 

The best time to drink a protein shake relies on your end goal. For example, if you’re drinking a protein shake to lose weight, you might drink your shake at a different time than someone aiming to build muscle mass. 

To choose the best time to drink your protein shake, you first need to evaluate your overall goals: Are you focusing on muscle building? Are you looking to lose weight? Once you identify what you want to accomplish, you can use the information beneath to figure out when you should drink your protein shake, whether it’s in the morning vs at night, after a workout session vs before a workout session, etc.

Is it more beneficial to drink protein shakes in the morning or at night?

If you’re looking to lose weight, an ideal time to drink your protein shake could be in the morning. That’s because protein is one of the essential nutrients for fat loss.  If you start your day with protein can boost your metabolism and keep it raised all day long. Protein can also decrease your appetite throughout the day by decreasing the hunger hormone ghrelin and raising the levels of appetite-inhibiting hormones like peptide-1, peptide YY, and cholecystokinin. So if you’re performing toward weight loss, then drinking a protein in the morning may help you consume limited calories throughout the rest of the day. 

If you focus on building muscle mass and strength, then the time to have your protein shake may be different. Protein is crucial for building muscle, yet, your body naturally breaks down protein during a workout. So to make up for the protein that your body breaks down, it’s recommended by some health experts to drink protein within 2-4 hours of your workout. That means do your workout in the morning, and then it’s suggested that you have your protein shake in the morning. But if you train yourself at night, it’s generally better to have a protein shake at night around your training. 


To decide the best time to have your protein shake, you first have to evaluate your goal.

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