Shobhit Chandola– Mumbai Uncensored, 4th June 2022
Since the time, the Former Pakistan President Mr. Imran Khan was ousted from the post & the Shabhaz Sharif took over as the new president, the economy seems to have been heading towards bankruptcy. The country has witnessed a drastic fall in the foreign exchange reserves. The inflation on food is record high and Pakistani Currency has shown a massive fall of 21.72% as per the current financial year. The new loan renewal of 2 billion $ from the International Monetary Fund shows the level of insolvency at national level.
On Sunday, PM Shahbaz Sharif addressing the public meeting in the Thakara Stadium gave an ultimatum to the CM of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province. In his speech with reference to Mahmood Khan ( CM- Khyber Pakhtunkhwa) he stated to bring down the price of a 10 Kg wheat flour bag to Rs 400 within a day time. Currently the wheat price has skyrocketed as high as Rs 2200/ 40 Kg signifying a 55 Rs /Kg wheat flour approximately. In the political heat of the moment, Mr Shahbaz Sharif went bold and made a proclamation. He said “I reiterate my words, I would sell my outfits and provide the cheapest wheat flour to people. Today, I solemnly announce in front of all of you that I would lay down my life but put this country on the path to prosperity and development”.
Mr Sharif was highly critical of the Imran Khan led government’s tenure. He stated former Pakistan PM Imran Khan to be the reason for the rise of the food and fuel prices. As per his insight, the Imran led Tehreek-E-Insaf party reduced the prices of petroleum just to avoid the No Confidence votes at a time period ( during Russo-Ukraine War ) when the fuel prices were record high throughout the whole world. Mr Sharif further pointed out the loopholes in the former government whose leader lured the Awaam with the promise of 50 lakhs houses and 1 crore employment opportunities but ultimately dragged the country towards the worst economic crisis. In contrast, concluding his speech, Shahbaz assured the public to curb inflation, corruption and create employment opportunities. Since Mr. Sharif failed to come up with a quick fix to tackle the same and resuscitate the exhausted Pakistan Forex Reserves, only time will tell how well he manages the Inflation in the country.