Khushi Thawani, 12th December 2022, Mumbai Uncensored: The highest entity to handle complaints under the RTI Act is the Central Information Commission, and in one of...
Amna Lakdawala, 25th November 2022, Mumbai Uncensored: 25 Hindu refugees who had left Pakistan because of religious persecution were granted citizenship by India in August, and...
Amna Lakdawala, 23rd November 2022, Mumbai Uncensored: Once BMC’s anti-encroachment van leaves, Bandra’s area, Hill Road is packed with unlicensed vendors. The city that is known...
22nd November 2022, Mumbai Uncensored: The Student United Way chapter in HR College collaborated with V Care Foundation, an NGO with the objective to provide free...
21st November 2022, Mumbai Uncensored: Mumbai: Sameeksha Agarwal from Churchgate’s H.R. College of Commerce and Economics won the first podium in ‘Spoken 22’, which is a...
नामांकित शिक्षण संस्थांचा अध्यक्ष असलेला जीजस लाल हा एकाच वेळी अनेक शिक्षण संस्था चालवत आहे. स्टेलर इंटरनॅशनल स्कुल, युनिव्हर्सल हायस्कूल, प्राइमस पब्लिक स्कूल, लॉर्ड्स युनिव्हर्सल कॉलेज,...
मुंबई, दि. ३० (प्रतिनिधी) अंधेरी पश्चिममधील म्हाडा वसाहतीतील मल्हारेश्वर शिव मंदिरात रात्रीच्या अंधाराचा फायदा घेऊन संपूर्ण मंदिरात रेडी मिक्स काँक्रीट टाकून मंदिर बुजवण्याचा स्टेलर वर्ल्ड स्कूलच्या...
Kalyani Gilbile, Mumbai Uncensored, 20th July 2022: आजपासून जीवनावश्यक वस्तूंवर ५% जीएसटी लागू करण्याच्या सरकारच्या निर्णयांमुळे सर्वसामान्यांच्या खिशाला कात्री लागणार आहे. आधीच सर्वसामान्य माणूस महागाईने त्रस्त...
Tista Karmakar, Mumbai Uncensored, 28th July 2022: The Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation (BMC) has been reported to send out notices to 9,000 housing societies in Mumbai to...
Khushi Thapa, Mumbai Uncensored, 19th July 2022: An investigation has shown that seven people were hurt when a ground plus one-story building fell in Bhiwandi on...